As you are thinking of ways to get your kids up, moving, and outside this summer don’t forget the classical Croquet Game. I’m sure many of you parents, me included, remember playing with our parents. I don’t know if I thought the game was fabulous because I actually liked it, or because I was getting the chance to take part in something with my parents. Either way, just thinking about the Croquet Game brings back good memories.
The game of croquet is actually believed to have been adapted by the French around the year 1851. There are several people, not only from France but from England as well, who claim to have “standardized” the game. Even though croquet was introduced as an Olympic game in 1900 at the Paris Olympics, it wasn’t until the 60’s that the Croquet Game really took off in the United States.
With the Croquet Game players can participate as teams or individually. Usually four to six color coded mallets and balls come in a set. But if you have a large gathering, people can be split into pairs and each pair takes turns striking the ball when their turn comes around. Don’t worry if you don’t remember the rules, most croquet sets come with everything you need to get the game started—rules included.
These old fashion games often get over looked because they lack the modern day bells and whistles of today’s popular video games. But I ask you, what is more beneficial learning how to interact with a T.V screen or real people?
The neat thing about a Croquet Game is that it is multi-generational. Even Grandma can play without too much stress or strain. If you have rally young players there are also sets designed just for them made with foam. What a great way to pass an afternoon with family or friends creating many life long memories.