Thursday, July 16, 2009
Fun Games, Building Blocks for Kids
Blocks are an important educational activity because they not only promote creativity but they help exercise fine motor skills. There is definitely higher level thinking and problem solving going on when creating with blocks.
If you have younger children, try purchasing larger building blocks for them to use. This will eliminate the possibility of choking on smaller pieces and will also diminish levels of frustration for the child. They just don’t have the fine motor skills to manipulate small pieces and will become very frustrated and perhaps disinterested in blocks altogether.
Older kids are able to manipulate smaller pieces with ease and understand the severity of putting these small pieces in their mouths.
Don’t limit yourself to looking for traditional wooden blocks, although they are both durable and long lasting, there are several different kinds of building blocks on the market that deserve to be looked at as well.
Companies make a wide range of styles; some have really interesting and brightly colored blocks. There are blocks made of wood, foam, and cardboard. Some blocks come with the alphabet printed on them while others can be used to create colorful geometric patterns. Some building blocks for kids have nubs that fasten together like legos and yet another brand use bristles that allow the blocks to adhere to each other.
As you can see there are many types of building blocks for kids available. Try to find age appropriate styles to best suit your situation. Then sit back, or join in, and watch as your children begin building giant towers and amazing castles.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
New Tossing Technique for the Washer Toss Game
I don't know about you but my family and I had a great Fourth of July, lots of fun in the sun with family and friends at the lake. We spent much of the time on the water but we always seem to carve out some time for games. One of our favorites is a washer toss game. I know I've talked about this before but I actually learned something new this weekend and I wanted to share it with you.
I have a friend whose husband grew up in Mexico and apparently they played a form of this washer toss game as they were growing up. However none of us knew that before we started playing. Well you can imagine our surprise when after watching us play several rounds (and not very well either I might add,) he pipes up and says, "I bet you I can make it from here." And he was probably about twenty yards away!
None of us thought he could do it, but he stood up and tossed and sure enough it went right into the cup! Everyone cheered!
Our Mexican friend went on to explain that they played with tuna cans and washers. They would carve out a hole in the dirt wide enough and deep enough to accommodate the tuna can. The can would then be placed in the hole so it was level with the ground. The kids would take turns tossing the washers toward the can in hopes of making it.
Everyone would start at a fairly close distance, and then those that made it would take one pace back and toss again. The process was repeated until there was only one person left.
What I thought was interesting was that he didn't throw it underhand like I see most people play here. He threw it more like a Frisbee, holding the washer with his thumb and pointer finger and tossing it by flicking the wrist.
This caused the washer to spin as it flew through the air which made it fly flatter and with greater precision. I'll be honest I haven't mastered this technique yet but I'm going to keep trying it seems to work great.
If you are interested in purchasing a washer toss game check out this large selection. They have all kinds, three hole, single hole, and team logo games.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Kids Games that Aren’t Really Games
I guess usually when we think of games we associate it with a competition of some kind. But there are several activities children enjoy that aren't extremely competitive. While competition can be a good thing so can kids games or activities that encourage creativity and imagination.
Take dress up for example. Both girls and boys love to dress up and role play. In fact one way children explore the world around them is through role play. Children love to be the mom or dad. How many times have you overheard your child repeat the phrases you use every day?
Through participation in role playing kids are able to test their words and actions. Then they can gage reactions of others and modify their behavior to produce a favorable outcome. By playing these fun kids games children are learning valuable problem solving, critical thinking, and social skills like empathy and cooperation.
Children don't need much to participate in dress up or role playing, but having some props helps to facilitate the activity. Costumes or accessories are a fun way to transform into someone else. These can be purchased or collected from relatives, garage sales, or second hand stores. Many stores carry career orientated costumes, a super idea for classroom role play.
Toy companies make several toys such as kitchen sets, strollers
, gas pumps
, grocery stores and carts
, tables
, doll accessories
, Doctor accessories
and much, much more that are conducive to the role playing environment. Again, they aren't a necessity but they sure are fun.
Fun kids games like role playing are very valuable in the development of our children. Role play stimulates creativity and reinforces morals and values. It helps develop imagination and emphasizes social behaviors we find acceptable. Shouldn't we do everything to encourage kids to participate in this fun educational activity?
To see some suggestions of role playing props or costumes check out the Fun Kids Game Store.
Friday, June 19, 2009
How do you play Ladder Ball/Ladder Golf?
Before beginning a game the playing field needs to be set up. Ladder Ballgoals should be assembled and placed across from each other. We usually place ours about 40 ft. apart but this distance can be modified to work best for the players involved. You will also need to decide on a toss line. We usually use the front edge of the base extended as the acceptable toss line. But, you can create a line using a piece of rope or something similar.
Ladder Ballis played in rounds, each round consists of all players tossing 3 bolos. The first player must toss all 3 bolos before the next player is able to toss theirs. Winner of the round earns the first toss in the next round.
Boloscan be tossed any way as long as they are tossed individually. Most find it best to toss the bolos underhand style. Some players allow the bolos
to bounce off the ground, while others prefer to play with a no bouncing rule. This should be determined before play begins.
The game is played to exactly 21 points. If a player goes over 21 their points for that round don’t count and they continue the next round with the previous point total. For example, if a player has 19 points going into a round and scores 4 points, none of the points count and the player goes into the next round with 19 points.
In case of a tie, extra rounds can be played. The winner must win with a two point lead over the other player or team. This two point lead rule only applies to overtime rounds.
Ladder Ballis really very easy to play for people of all ages. It is a fun enjoyable outdoor game that can be played just about anywhere.
To see Ladder Ballbeing played check out the previous post and watch the video of the National Championship.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Ladder Ball/Ladder Golf Video
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Indoor Kids Games--Board Games
With all of the new interactive gaming systems sometimes we forget about the classic indoor kids games that kids will actually love. If you are looking to spend some quality time with the kids I suggest locating some of these board games I’m sure you remember playing as a kid.
For kids age six and up try Sorry. A game of luck, strategy and determination where players chase each other around the game board trying to be the first to get all of their pieces from start to home.
If you have children eight or older they might enjoy playing Scrabble
For kids nine and older the game of Life might be just the right fit. Life is a classic board game that breaks down an entire lifespan into a series of choices and chance.
All of these fun indoor kids games have several versions to choose from. If your kids are really into the bells and whistles, look for the electronic versions. They are still board games but have some component that is electronic. Be sure to check out all of the choices to find the one that will best fit your family to ensure an enjoyable game day.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Golf Practice Nets Reviewed
The golf practice net
Golf practice nets
There are several styles and types of golf practice nets
Some names to look for when choosing golf practice nets are Wilson, Callaway, Izzo and Trademark.
For a large selection of golf practice nets click here.