I guess usually when we think of games we associate it with a competition of some kind. But there are several activities children enjoy that aren't extremely competitive. While competition can be a good thing so can kids games or activities that encourage creativity and imagination.
Take dress up for example. Both girls and boys love to dress up and role play. In fact one way children explore the world around them is through role play. Children love to be the mom or dad. How many times have you overheard your child repeat the phrases you use every day?
Through participation in role playing kids are able to test their words and actions. Then they can gage reactions of others and modify their behavior to produce a favorable outcome. By playing these fun kids games children are learning valuable problem solving, critical thinking, and social skills like empathy and cooperation.
Children don't need much to participate in dress up or role playing, but having some props helps to facilitate the activity. Costumes or accessories are a fun way to transform into someone else. These can be purchased or collected from relatives, garage sales, or second hand stores. Many stores carry career orientated costumes, a super idea for classroom role play.
Toy companies make several toys such as kitchen sets, strollers
, gas pumps
, grocery stores and carts
, tables
, doll accessories
, Doctor accessories
and much, much more that are conducive to the role playing environment. Again, they aren't a necessity but they sure are fun.
Fun kids games like role playing are very valuable in the development of our children. Role play stimulates creativity and reinforces morals and values. It helps develop imagination and emphasizes social behaviors we find acceptable. Shouldn't we do everything to encourage kids to participate in this fun educational activity?
To see some suggestions of role playing props or costumes check out the Fun Kids Game Store.
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