Before beginning a game the playing field needs to be set up. Ladder Ballgoals should be assembled and placed across from each other. We usually place ours about 40 ft. apart but this distance can be modified to work best for the players involved. You will also need to decide on a toss line. We usually use the front edge of the base extended as the acceptable toss line. But, you can create a line using a piece of rope or something similar.
Ladder Ballis played in rounds, each round consists of all players tossing 3 bolos. The first player must toss all 3 bolos before the next player is able to toss theirs. Winner of the round earns the first toss in the next round.
Boloscan be tossed any way as long as they are tossed individually. Most find it best to toss the bolos underhand style. Some players allow the bolos
to bounce off the ground, while others prefer to play with a no bouncing rule. This should be determined before play begins.
The game is played to exactly 21 points. If a player goes over 21 their points for that round don’t count and they continue the next round with the previous point total. For example, if a player has 19 points going into a round and scores 4 points, none of the points count and the player goes into the next round with 19 points.
In case of a tie, extra rounds can be played. The winner must win with a two point lead over the other player or team. This two point lead rule only applies to overtime rounds.
Ladder Ballis really very easy to play for people of all ages. It is a fun enjoyable outdoor game that can be played just about anywhere.
To see Ladder Ballbeing played check out the previous post and watch the video of the National Championship.
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